07Jul By AdminJuly 14, 2024Memories of Utsho Boarding schools for underprivileged children may be deemed a luxury, yet they are so necessary for the children and their guardians since accommodation and transportation for their children are both unaffordable for this strata of people who are for the majority single mothers working in a crowded city. It is a sanctuary where the basic needs of the children are taken care of and where they can concentrate on their studies without being subjected to external stresses. Utsho realized that there was a need for this type of institution and embarked on a long and difficult journey to cater to this service for the community. The guiding principles of Utsho have been the addressing of human rights issues, providing sustainable education to marginalized children within a caring environment, and maintaining a transparent management structure. Utsho has progressed by leaps and bounds, both in the infrastructure and the performance of the students. The students are doing extremely well in their studies as well as their creative and cultural activities. The older children help the younger ones who are in their charge thereby they are developing a sense of responsibility. Confidence-building and counseling is a major part of the education program, which helps to develop the life skills which are equally important as getting good grades. It is very evident that the culture of volunteering and the practice of philanthropy is at a very high level among the many local and international supporters of Utsho. Utsho thanks each and every person who has been part of its history and invites all of you to be a part of its future.