Message from Executive Director “In my experience with the Development industry, I have seen project-based social development initiatives kick-off with a lot of enthusiasm; but many of them fail to sustain in the long run. When we started Utsho, this particular aspect was one of our biggest concerns.From the very beginning, Utsho has worked hard to involve communities with the development initiatives to achieve sustainability. We have consciously created avenues for the common people to support Utsho by sponsoring our children, buying tickets at our Fundraisers, or by using our social businesses like Catering, Grocery and Tailoring services for their day-to-day needs to support the dreams of underprivileged children.The biggest step in supporting the underprivileged is to be able to do that with dignity and empathy, not pity. We must continue to do everything within our capacity to ensure a better future for our next generations. While we all care for our own children, we can only leave them a beautiful society and country if we can kindle the dream of a bright future in every child. With a little help from each of you, we can turn all our children into human-capital for taking Bangladesh forward. It is challenging no doubt, but it is also possible – as Utsho has proven in the last thirty years.”Mahbooba A Mahmood LeenaFounder Member & Executive Director, Utsho Bangladesh